



IELTS対策特別講座  > IELTS トリビア  > IELTS トリビア その22NEW

IELTS トリビア その22 解答 問題に戻る

Does it matter if I omit words like 'a' and 'the' from my answer ?
It depends - if you have a sentence completion style of question, then the answer must be grammatically correct [and therefore you would need to include these types of words].
If the examiner asks me questions about a topic I know nothing about [e.g. visiting museums], will he/she understand that I won't be able to answer the questions ?
No. You are expected to talk about all topics. In a set of questions like this, there may only be one question about your personal experience, but the others would be more general. If you say very little you will lose marks.
I am a slow reader. Does that mean I shouldn't worry about skimming the article at the beginning ?
No - you should skim the article anyway. In this case, just read the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Quite often the main point of the paragraph is mentioned there.
In Task 1, if there is a diagram which contains data in the future, should I use the future simple verb tense ?
It depends. If the numbers are only estimations, then you would use language like "it is predicted to rise" or "it is anticipated to fall in 2022.

>> クイズで学ぶ、IELTS試験

IELTS専任講師、Rocco Nigro が教える

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